We are on a good way to resolve one of the length contraction paradoxes in Special Relativity – the rod-slot paradox – with rather simple considerations. We have already found a consistent description of a collision scenario by observers in three different inertial frames. We have used Lorentz Transformations [LTs] from a setup frame A to a frame B, moving with the slot, and another LT to a frame C, moving with the slot. We now prove consistency by a direct transformation of rod and slot coordinates measured in frame B to the diagonally approaching frame C attached to the rod.
Previous posts:
- Post I: Special relativity and the rod/slot paradox – I – seeming contradictions between reference frames
- Post II: Special relativity and the rod/slot paradox – II – setup of a collision scenario
- Post III: Special relativity and the rod/slot paradox – III – Lorentz transformation causes inclination angles
- Post IV: Special relativity and the rod/slot paradox – IV – consequences of an inclination angle in the slot’s frame
- Post V: Special relativity and the rod/slot paradox – V – perspective of the rod and aspects of the relative velocity between the rod and the slot
Major Hurdles and Objectives
The Lorentz transformations from A to B and from A to C were rather easy to handle as we dealt with
- movements of the target frames B and C along the xA-axis and the yA-axis of frame A, respectively,
- and an orientation of both the elongated rod and the slot parallel to the xA-axis.
The situation between frames attached to the rod and to the slot is more complicated as we must deal with diagonal movements of the rod vs. the slot and vice versa. I have used the plural “movements” intentionally, as these movements look a bit different in B and C.
The following drawing shows the situation we already have derived for frame B:
Rod’s movement as seen in frame B
Illustration 1: The rod’s diagonal movement as seen from the slot and frame B
In the previous post V we have already found that observers co-moving with the rod may have the following perception of the slot’s movement.
Slot’s movement as seen in frame C
Illustration 2: The slot’s movement as seen from the rod and frame C (according to a LT from frame A to C; see post V)
The angle ΨS is marked with a question mark to indicate that this is a point which we have to verify via the LT. But we have a prediction for it.
Objective: Reproduce some previous predictions by a LT from frame B to frame C
The xC-axis of the standard coordinate system for a description of spatial coordinates of objects in frame C is aligned with the symmetry axis of the rod. For our special collision scenario (see post II) previous calculations (see post V) predicted that the slot should appear aligned with the rod’s orientation in frame C and the standard xC-axis there:
We also expect that the slot’s length Lslot,C in C fulfills:
In addition we know by our scenario setup and the LT between A and C:
All of these equations should be reproduced by a direct LT from B to C – guided by the relative velocity between the rod and the slot. This is the main objective of the following steps.
When you think about it in the light of what we already know this is not a trivial endeavor. Instead it is a major consistency check for the equivalence of the collision prediction between different inertial frames.
Hurdle: The relative velocity vector has different inclination angles with the presently chosen x-axes in our frames B and C
The 5th post of this series provided us with some formulas regarding
- the spatial components of the relative velocity vector vrel,CB between the rod and the slot in frame B,
- the spatial components of the relative velocity vector vrel,BC between the slot and the rod in frame C,
- respective inclination angles of vrel,CB and vrel,BC vs. the x-axes of B and C, respectively
- and the gamma-factor related to the absolute value of the relative velocity.
Due to a different time dilation between A and B in comparison to the time dilation between A and C, we got different measurement values
- for the inclination angle between the vector of relative velocity vrel,CB with the slot and the xB-axis in frame B
- and for inclination angle between the vector of relative velocity vrel,BC with the rod and the xC-axis in frame C.
This did not surprise us too much as we have shown already (see posts III and IV) that the rod appears rotated vs. the xB-axis in the slot’s frame. We take it therefore as given that the inclination angles of the relative velocity vector with the x-axes appear different in B and C, i.e. |Φrel,B| ≠ |Φrel,C|:
This will make our life a bit harder. A first thing we have to think about is choosing suiting spatial coordinate systems for B and C to master our task.
Suitable spatial coordinate systems for the frames attached to the rod and the slot
We use the abbreviation “ECS” for a Cartesian coordinate system (in our flat Euclidean space of Special Relativity). To be able to use formally simple form of the Lorentz Transformation leading from the slot’s frame B to the rod-attached frame C, we have to consider spatial ECS for B and C, whose x-axes are aligned with the relative velocity vector in the respective frame. We call such an ECS with such an orientation in each of the frames a “rotated ECS” below, because it is rotated vs. the standard ECS oriented like A.
Furthermore, we have to evaluate the components of the spatial vectors to event locations in each of the rotated coordinate systems with respect to the rotated x– and y-axes there. I have illustrated this in the following drawing:.
Projections of rod and slot extensions onto axis of rotated ECS in B
Illustration 3: Rotated ECS in frame B with x-axis aligned to the relative velocity vector vrel,CB – and projections of rod and slot to the rotated coordinate axes
Our approach for the LT from B to C therefore consists of the following steps:
- Determine the components of the relative velocity vector of the rod in the slot’s frame B and its respective angle Φrel,B with the xB-axis.
- Create an ECS with an x-axis (xB,rel – axis) aligned with the relative velocity vector.
- Perform a projection of the spatial vectors describing the position of rod and slot-related events to get components parallel and perpendicular to the the relative velocity vector. This corresponds to determining the spatial event coordinates in the rotated ECS.
- Apply the standard Lorentz Transformation to the event-coordinates in the rotated ECS (with a gamma-factor derived from the absolute value of the relative velocity).
- Re-transform the resulting coordinates parallel and perpendicular to the relative velocity vector in frame C to coordinates of the standard ECS in C, whose x-coordinate axis is aligned with the rod.
In a later post we will perform an analogous reverse transformation from C to B.
Calculation steps in frame B
According to our previous post V, the components , the length and the gamma-factor for the relative velocity vector between frames C and B (i.e. between the rod and the slot) are given by:
Here we have used the velocity values νx and vy of our collision setup (see post II). Remember that we have already shown that the absolute value of vrel is, of course, the same in both frames B and C, and that the respective gamma-factor has the given simple form (see post V).
The values of the angles Φrel,B and Ψr are given by (see posts IV, V):
I have used the absolute values of the angle Φrel,B, because we had defined it to be negative in post V. For the rest of our calculations below, we focus on absolute angle values. Lrod,B is the total length of the rod as seen in frame B (see post IV for details). Looking at the diagrams above we see that the projections of the rod and the slot parallel and perpendicular to the relative velocity vector are given by
At tB = tC = 0 the left ends of the rod and the slot coincide with the origin of the coordinates systems of B (see posts I, II). With the help of some elementary trigonometry
we get for the projected components of the spatial vector to the right end of the rod at tB = 0:
Rod’s vector components parallel and perpendicular to relative velocity vector
For the slot’s components we get:
Slot’s vector components parallel and perpendicular to relative velocity vector
Event selection for the transformation of the rod’s coordinates
We now have to consider which events we select for the Lorentz transformation to frame C. The event coordinates for the rod’s left and right ends, [xr,l,v,B, yr,l,v,B, tr,l,v,B] and [xr,r,v,B, yr,r,v,B, tr,r,v,B], respectively, should chosen such that they get transformed to simultaneous time coordinates tr,r,v,C = tr,l,v,C .
Why is this? Because the observer in C naturally watches or measures different spatial data for the rod (or the slot) there at the same point in time. And because our reference data in post V were based on simultaneity of measurements in C. For reasons of simplicity we choose our time coordinates to be tC = tB = 0 .
The coordinates of some distinct event at a distance xv,B along the rotated axis xB,rel occurring at time tv,B will be transformed to respective coordinates in frame C as
So, if we want to achieve tv,C = 0, we must request :
Let us mark the xB-position of the rod’s right end at such shifted time (tv,B = tr,v,B) by a hat:
But, on the other side, any point of the rod (!) having a coordinate xr,v,B at tB = 0 will at a later time tr,v,B have an x-coordinate (in B) given by
We must, of course, use this specific coordinate for a suitable event to fulfill the condition for its transformed time coordinate to be tr,v,C = 0. Filling in tr,v,B gives :
We use again a short notation for events: Ev ∼ [xv,B, yv,B, tv,B]B – this time referring to coordinates in the rotated ECs with the xB,rel and the yB,rel axes. I have indicated this by a sub-script “v”.
Let us call the x-, y-, t-coordinates of events regarding the left and the right ends of the rod in the rotated coordinate systems of frames B and C
xr,l,v,B , yr,l,v,B , tr,l,v,B and xr,r,v,B , yr,r,v,B , tr,r,v,B
xr,l,v,C , yr,l,v,C , tr,l,v,C and xr,r,v,C , yr,r,v,C , tr,r,v,C,
respectively. We want to transform from the rotated ECS in B to a rotated ECS in C.
Our considerations above mean that we should select the following events for the left end of the rod (Evr,l) and the right end of the rod (Evr,r) in frame B to get respective spatial coordinates in frame C at tC = 0:
Event selection for the transformation of the slot’s coordinates
For the slot things are a bit simpler because the slot does not move in frame B. The relevant events are:
Transformation of rod-coordinates from frame B to frame C
Before we perform the Lorentz Transformation from B to C, let me remind you that we found the following value for the angle Φrel,B between the standard xC-axis and the vector of the relative velocity in C in post V:
See the following drawing:
Illustration 4: Rotated ECS in frame C with x-axis aligned to the relative velocity vector vrel,BC – and projections of rod and slot to the rotated coordinate axes
We get the following transformed coordinates parallel and perpendicular to the relative velocity vector in frame C:
Note again that these coordinates are defined in the rotated coordinate system in C with an x-axis (= xC,rel -axis) parallel to the relative velocity vector, there. These are not the coordinates given in the standard coordinate system with an xC-axis parallel to the rod.
From the results above we can derive two interesting relations – one for length of the rod in C (here via the components in the rotated coordinate system)
and one for the cosine of the angle Θr,rel,C between the component xr,l,v,C parallel to the relative velocity vector and the position vector to the endpoint of the rod in C:
This means that the angle Ψrod,C between the rod and the standard xC-axis indeed becomes 0:
Our complicated transformation from frame B to C via the relative velocity between rod and slot confirms that the rod (in a frame C co-moving with the the rod) indeed is oriented along the standard xC-axis there and has length Lrod,C = L !
This may seem trivial, but it is not. Actually, we have in parts shown that Lorentz Transformations
- between a frame A and a frame B,
- between a frame A and a frame C
are consistent to a much more complex Lorentz transformation
- between frame B and frame C approaching each other diagonally.
Transformation of slot-coordinates from frame B to frame C
Let us now look at the transformation of the slot’s coordinates. I leave it to the reader to go through the full LT for the component parallel to the relative velocity vector. We just the usual length contraction formula as we know that we transform to simultaneous time coordinates in C – and therefore transform results of length measurements between inertial systems.
Thus, we get the following value for the length Lslot,C of the slot in frame C (by using the components of a respective position vector in the rotated ECS in C (with an x-axis parallel to the relative velocity vector):
What about the orientation? What is the angle Θs,rel,C between the slot and the xrel,C -axis of the rotated coordinates system in C?
It follows
We obviously get an alignment of the slot with the standard xC-axis in frame C! And, as we had hoped, the length of the slot is reduced due to length contradiction as previously predicted by a LT from frame A to frame C.
This means also that a transformation from frame B to frame C consistently predicts a collision between the rod and the slot’s surrounding plate (exactly at the expected leftmost collision point on the rod). See the following drawing:
Illustration 5: Collision as seen by the rod – predicted by a LT from the slot’s frame to the rod’s frame
All in all we have shown that Lorentz Transformations between 3 inertial systems consistently reproduce a collision between a rod and a slot (with the same proper length) by a relative movement in two dimensions – if the setup is explicitly done such that a collision occurs in an easily analyzable frame A :
- Frame A: Setup for a collision between a rod moving vertically along the yA-axis and a slot moving horizontally along the xA-axis.
- LT from frame A to frame B (co-moving with the slot): A collision is predicted due to a diagonal movement of the length contracted rod, which shows an inclination angle Ψr with the xB-axis. The collision point on the rod with the plate surrounding the slot is defined by a proportional length contraction of the interval between the left end and the collision point in frame A.
- LT from frame A to frame C (co-moving with the rod): A collision is predicted very similar to the one described in frame A, but shifted vertically into the rod’s coordinate system.
- LT between frame B (co-moving with the slot) and frame C (co-moving with the rod): A collision is consistently predicted in C when we perform a LT from B to C along the vector of relative velocity.
The only missing thing now for complete consistency is a transformation from frame C to frame B. But in a way this is just a reversal of what we have done in his post. I will show the basic steps in the next post:
But, we now can be very confident that there is no paradox at all for the case of an explicit collision scenario. The reader, which has followed my line of thought so far, has, of course, already identified the problematic point already, which lead to the wrong claim of a paradox in the first place.