The events at the MSC and the new alliance of the US administration with the Putler and anti-democratic extremists in Germany have left many Germans and Europeans speechless. The destruction of old transatlantic alliances on the timescale of a few days has not been experienced during the lifetime of my generation. Without doubt, this will have severe consequences.
I think, there is a lot the present US administration underestimates. Besides the will and destructive perseverance of the Putler, I just want to mention the economic and scientific capabilities of major European core countries (including Scandinavian countries) – if and when they act united.
The topic of a wider nuclear armament of Europe is on the agenda, already. One may doubt with good reason whether this is in the real interest of the US. In addition there is the (rather old) idea of a core Europe based on specific alliances of major European countries that act strongly together in building up a military and economic integration beyond the level of EU cooperation. This reflects another old and very reasonable idea – namely that of an EU with two speeds and paces. There are many signs that the development in Europe will follow this direction.
But I want to point out another thought: In the movie “Pearl Harbor”, there is a Japanese general that utters a key sentence: “We woke up a sleeping giant.”
Let me tell my American friends: Europe may not be this giant on the economic and military level, yet. But the events of the last weeks are our Pearl Harbor regarding the European trust in common democratic, intellectual and even economic values. We are just awakening …
A majority of Europeans still praises the ideas of our constituting age of enlightenment. We will do a lot to defend these ideas on all levels. Many in Europe (and in Germany) have learned a lesson from the Nazi phase in our history. We take it to notice that the US administration does not share the consequences of this lesson any longer with us. And we will come to suitable conclusions.
Therefore, I am also confident that at least a core Europe will try its best not to betray the Ukrainian people, who defend our idea of liberty and freedom against an aggressor, who attacks Europe and the previously assumed common values with America as a whole.
Instead of many words, a clear answer of a few gifted and concerned Europeans was given here, already two years ago. Just be patient and hop over the advertisement of Google’s Youtube service …