Bye, bye America – your beauty is gone …

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I am an old man – and up to 2016 I could never have imagined what they would do to you. They have deformed and disfigured you. I almost fumble for words to express my dismay and at the same time my sorrow.

A bunch of extreme right wing fanatics and nerdy capitalistic tech-oligarchs has turned your beauty into a weak shadow of itself. This became more than obvious during the extremely egocentric and unmannerly performance of your “leaders”, yesterday. It was shocking to see how distorted you have become.

You once were an ally and a strong leader of the democratic world. A leader we could follow with respect. A leader open for a thorough discussion of serious matters regarding peace and war. Now, your administration behaves like a bunch of puppets – on the strings of the Kremlin. Not my words, but those of some concerned members of your parliament. Here an example – which confirms our worst fears in Europe:

But words are words – the deeds, actions and decisions of your administration speak an even clearer language of your path full of intentional disruptions that will lead to a world ruled by autocrats. Europe takes this to notice – and we will react. We do not want such a world in which the only thing that counts is military strength, and not justice and neither solidarity among free and democratic people and states.

Some of your present leaders may feel like kings – but they will become lonesome – as all autocrats and dictators in the end. Within weeks, you, my once beautiful friend, have lost all that has made you great in the past. Your egocentric administration may not feel and understand it, but the most important loss a state can experience is that of respect and trust. At least, we in Europe now definitively know that we can not trust you any longer.

You have lost your previous sense of carefully distinguishing between aggressors, who want to destroy democracies and freedom, and their victims. You obviously have lost your understanding of the power of continuously cultivated relations with democratic friends and of necessary countermeasures against dictatorships and imperialists. You have lost your sense to carefully distinguish between the freedom and dangers of speech and the freedom of our once common ideas of enlightenment.

My old friend, we see with sorrow that they continue with their willful destruction of your social system and your governmental institutions. All according to their 2025-playbook written ahead of the elections. They isolate you on the international level and willingly distroy alliances previously based on mutual understanding and respect. Even worse, they have started to ruin the foundations of your scientific system. And the direct appeal of your VP to German citizens to vote for a extreme nationalistic, in parts fascistic and Putler-friendly party speaks for itself.

My dear friend, it is unbelievable, but it seems that you want to share a bed with the Putler in the future. Europe has warned you and still warns you: You will be screwed by this killer. And: We will not take part in your dangerous flirts with anti-democrats and dictators …